Clark County’s Public Arts Office Hosts a Free Public Art Workshop in January
The Clark County Public Arts Office is partnering with the Nevada Arts Council (NAC) to bring you a free workshop in January’s Full Scope Educational Series. The online event will take place on January 21 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Participants will learn how to navigate the NAC website to find grands and programs, get in-depth information about each program and how to submit applications.
The Nevada Arts Council, a division of the Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, was created as a state agency in 1967. With offices in Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada Arts Council programs serve as a catalyst to stimulate artistic, creative, cultural, and economic activity across the state, enliven its breadth of communities, ensure lifelong learning in the arts for all Nevadans, and to encourage public and private support for the arts.
The agency has a staff of 13 full-time program and administrative staff and a nine-member board whose members are appointed by the Governor. The Nevada Arts Council is divided into six programs as accessible portals for our constituents and members of the public alike, Artist Services, Arts Learning, Community Arts Development, Folklife, Grants, and Public Initiatives. Through these program areas, the agency provides grant funding, offers professional assistance to the state's creative industry (artists, educators, cultural organizations, and schools), and coordinates statewide outreach programming, initiatives and activities for Nevada residents and visitors. A statewide planning process and a strategic plan guide Nevada Arts Council grants, programs, and services.
The Nevada Arts Council currently has three priority areas in its 2024-2027 strategic plan: arts education, economic vitality, and healthy communities. Some agency programs supporting that work include the Nevada Touring Initiative and Nevada Poet Laureate (Artist Services); Poetry Out Loud and the Teaching Artist Roster (Arts Learning); Basin to Range Exchange and Strategic Planning Assessments for Organizations program (Community Arts Development); and the Nevada Folklife Archives (Folklife), among others. Current grant offerings include 10 opportunities for individual artists, nonprofit organizations, and public institutions. Beginning July 1, 2024, over $1.3 million in grant funds have been awarded statewide for the current fiscal year. Nevada Arts Council grants and programming are made possible primarily through public dollars – appropriations from the State of Nevada and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Those wanting more information about the call for artists or future calls can call Clark County Public Art at (702) 455-8685 or visit Clark County Public Art can also be found on social networking sites such as X and Facebook by visiting @CCPUBLICARTS.