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The AQ Map Assistant is an online mapping program. It can be used to access the dust permit layer for all active Dust Control Operating Permits as well as Assessor parcel maps. The application also has a draw function which allows the user to measure areas and distance. Prior to submitting a DCOP application, please review the area on the AQ Map Assistant to verify that it is not already permitted. Please click on the links below to access the AQ Map Assistant and instructions in video and PDF format.
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Section 92 (Fugitive Dust from Unpaved Parking Lots and Storage Areas) of the Clark County Air Quality Regulations. One of the control measures that can be used to meet the stabilization standards for new unpaved storage areas is the application of Alternative Asphalt Paving. This option must be approved by DAQ in writing before it is implemented.
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Section 94 (Permitting and Dust Control for Construction and Temporary Commercial Activities) of the Clark County Air Quality Regulations.
Listed below are recommendations for minimum sign sizes, posting guidance and various sign examples. Please follow the recommendations used in Sign Design & Posting.