
Rental Utility Assistance

Rental Utility Assistance


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Fixed Income

The Fixed Income Rental Assistance Program serves residents of Clark County whose income source is fixed and who have been priced out of their current housing by way of a rent increase. Assistance for rent and utilities is available to aid in securing a new affordable residence. Assistance is limited to a maximum of 12 months for households who meet the eligibility criteria as established through the program policy. This program is limited to one application per lifetime.


To qualify for the Fixed Income Rental Assistance Program, individuals must have fixed income such as Social Security Administration benefits, Veteran Affairs benefits, pension benefits, or disability benefits. The individual must also have experienced a rent increase in the last 12 months and have an eviction notice served for non-payment of rent. See table below for household size income guidelines. The income cap for the Fixed Income Rental Assistance Program is limited to 60% of the current Area Median Income (AMI) for Clark Count as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). See table below for household size monthly income guidelines.

How to Apply
Submit an application and supporting documents at


Eviction Prevention

The Eviction Prevention program serves residents of Clark County who are past due on rent payments causing the household to be in danger of becoming homeless. Assistance for past due rent is a one-time per lifetime benefit for up to a maximum of twelve (12) months past due rent and three (3) months of future rent. Relocation assistance may be provided if eviction is inevitable or has already occurred. Utility assistance may be provided as a one-time lump sum payment to bring the household current.

To qualify for the Eviction Prevention program, individuals must be past due on their rent and have a plan to pay rental expenses moving forward. The income cap for the Eviction Prevention program is limited to 60% of the current Area Median Income (AMI) for Clark County as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). See table below for household size monthly income guidelines.FI2How to Apply:
Submit an application and supporting documents at

If you’re at risk of being evicted visit the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada and review the Nevada Eviction Prevention Guide.

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Financial Assistance Services

The Financial Assistance program for housing and housing-related expenses is provided in the form of a check. Checks are made payable to the client/head of household or landlord/mortgage company. For utility payments, checks are made payable to either the client/head of household or the utility vendor.  Households of one may be eligible for a maximum of $400.00 a month in assistance. An additional $135.00 a month is available for each additional household member. A household is only eligible for assistance once every twelve months unless they have a barrier to employment as determined by Clark County Social Service, or if they have a disability as defined by the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book.


How to Apply
Applications may be submitted in-person at one of our 4 locations, by email at, by fax at 702-678-5221, or mailed to Clark County Social Service 1600 Pinto Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89106.

Click Here To download our English application.
Click Here To download our Spanish application.

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