
Safety Tips Offered, Excessive Heat Warning Continues

Safety Tips Offered, Excessive Heat Warning Continues

With excessive heat expected to continue in the region this week, Clark County and the Southern Nevada Health District and community partners are reminding the public that heat can pose serious health risks to anyone in our region especially children, the elderly and people with poor circulation and weight problems.

The local office of the National Weather Service has issued an excessive heat warning for Monday through Thursday this week. Temperatures in the Las Vegas Valley are expected to hit 110 degrees Monday and Tuesday and tip to 111 degrees on Wednesday. Clark County and community partners will open cooling stations for the public during daytime hours on those days. A list of confirmed sites, including community centers and libraries, will soon be available and posted online at (View the site list in Spanish). The cooling centers are open to people experiencing homelessness and others in the community in need of cool, indoor spaces for respite from the heat.

“With excessive heat, it’s important to drink more water than usual and to seek shaded or cool areas during the heat of the day to avoid dehydration,” said Clark County Fire Chief John Steinbeck. “Never leave children or pets alone in hot cars and remember that swimming pools are very enticing to young children. Adults always need to keep their eyes on kids anytime they are near water.”

Clark County, the Southern Nevada Health District and community partners kicked off the “Beat the Heat SNV” this spring to raise awareness about heat safety. Information can be found in English and Spanish at  Most heat-related medical issues occur because people get overexposed to heat or over exercise for their age and physical condition.

“Extreme heat results in the deaths of more than 1,000 people in the United States each year,” said District Health Officer Dr. Fermin Leguen said. “The Southern Nevada Health District urges people to protect themselves and others during periods of extreme heat by staying cool, staying hydrated and staying informed.”

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps and dizziness. These safety tips are recommended to cope with the region’s heat:

  • Drink water even if you don’t feel thirsty.
  • Limit intake of alcoholic beverages, which contribute to dehydration.
  • Always carry plenty of water with you and a mobile phone. You never know what might happen during the day that could keep you outdoors longer than anticipated. 
  • Remember to “look before you lock.” Children should never be left alone in a vehicle for any amount of a time, even for a quick errand or quick trip into the home. Temperatures in a car can rise to 120 degrees when outdoor temperatures are in the 90s.
  • Pets are required to have access to lots of shade and water when outdoors. County code prohibits people from leaving animals alone in cars during extreme heat. Reports can be made to the agency’s dispatch center at (702) 455-7710.
  • Dress for hot weather. Clothing that is loose, lightweight and light-colored reflects heat and sunlight.
  • Use sunscreen with a high SPF to protect against sunburn and skin cancer.
  • Look in on friends and family, especially the elderly who may need help adjusting to the heat.
  • Limit errands and outdoor activities to before noon or in the evening to avoid being out during the hottest part of the day.
  • Always assign a designated water watcher when children are near a pool or any body of water; install barriers between your home and pool; and enroll children in swimming lessons. Additional drowning prevention information is on the Southern Nevada Health District’s website at                                  


Clark County is a dynamic and innovative organization dedicated to providing top-quality service with integrity, respect and accountability.  With jurisdiction over the world-famous Las Vegas Strip and covering an area the size of New Jersey, Clark is the nation’s 11th-largest county and provides extensive regional services to 2.4 million citizens and 43 million visitors a year. Included are the nation’s 7th-busiest airport, air quality compliance, social services and the state’s largest public hospital, University Medical Center. The County also provides municipal services that are traditionally provided by cities to 1 million residents in the unincorporated area. Those include fire protection, roads and other public works, parks and recreation, and planning and development.


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