Send e-mail to Tina Garrison-Bermudez to discuss proposed submittal. Once approval to process application has been given, e-mail all required submittal documents to See Process and Procedures for the list of required documents in the links below. If the provided documents meet submittal requirements, we will schedule a date for the submittal to be processed and for fees to be paid.
NOTE: All required documents must be attached to your e-mail as a separate PDF for each document.
Application Form
Reversionary Map Submittal Checklist
Reversionary Map Process and Procedures
This application requires a pre-review of submittal documents. Please e-mail all required submittal documents to See Reversion Subdivision Mylar Checklist in the link below. If the provided documents meet submittal requirements, we will schedule a date for the mylar to be dropped off.
NOTE: All required documents listed above must be attached as a separate PDF for each document.
NOTE: Once mylar is accepted, any required VS's or separate document will be recorded prior to release of the mylar for recordation. Clark County will review and release the mylar for recordation within 10 calendar days of acceptance.
Mylar Checklist
Application Form
Reversionary Map Process and Procedures
To submit an Extension of Time, e-mail the following items to
- Application
- Expiration date
Application Form