
Full Scope Workshop - Public Arts Education

Full Scope Workshop - Public Arts Education

Upcoming Event: 


Full Scope Workshop for August will be a presentation by Visual Arts Specialist, Holly Lay about the Cultural Affairs Department’s Public Art Division in the City of Las Vegas. Attendees will learn about how to collaborate with the city through public art opportunities, find out services they offer to enhance art / culture -oriented local businesses, and hear about the different ways the Public Art Division impacts our community.

The discussion will be followed by a question-and-answer segment where attendees can ask Holly about the topics covered. Announcements of current and future opportunities, events, and services will close out the workshop. Attendees will receive a copy of the presentation and announcements through email. This workshop will not be recorded.

Full Scope Workshop has changed times! Full Scope will now be held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3PM PT.

Event Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Event Time: 3PM PT


Full Scope 1-ON-1 Meetings


Full Scope Workshop Survey

The Clark County Public Art Office would like to ask for your participation in our survey. We would like to make some changes to the program in order to accommodate our viewers. Please click the link below for the survey and email to
Thank you for your time and support!

Full Scope Workshop Survey (PDF)


Full Scope Resource Page

Past Public Speakers

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