The Clark County Law Library was created by the enactment of Ordinance #1 of the Clark County Board of Commissioners on January 5th, 1923. For over a century, the Clark County Law Library has served the legal research needs of the bench, bar, and public of Southern Nevada. The Clark County Law Library derives its income from a portion of the filing fees in selected civil cases heard in the Justice and District Courts of Clark County. Therefore, the Law Library is supported by litigants, who derive the main benefit from the Library, rather than by general tax funds.
The Clark County Law Library is a public law library open to everyone and there is no fee to use the library. The Law Library maintains in its collection both state and federal statutes, regulations, and cases, as well as commentary (in the form of treatises and periodicals). The entire collection contains more than 103,500 materials in a variety of formats including: books, serials, loose-leafs, microfiche, audio, video, CD-ROM and electronic databases. The Library also has access to over 270,000 legal resources through its subscription databases. Nine computers are available for legal research purposes. There is no fee to use the computers, but you must sign in at the Reference Desk and present a photo ID. The computers are available during normal business hours. Please note that the computers shut down 15 minutes prior to closing.
The Law Library is governed by the Law Library Board of Trustees--seven members drawn from the general public and the Clark County bench and bar. The Law Library is administered by the Law Library Director, Chanteyl Hasse.
Annual Report - 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
To facilitate access to justice through access to information.
To provide equal access to legal information and resources in order to assist with the legal research needs of all law library patrons.
Reference Assistance
Reference Assistance is available at the Reference Desk. Library staff will happily aid in research by locating sources, explaining sources and their use, and other library functions that will aid a patron in performing their own legal research. Staff members CANNOT give legal advice, legal opinions, or provide legal assistance in any manner; patrons in need of professional legal assistance should consult a lawyer. It is the responsibility of the patron to do all of the necessary research needed to find the answers to their legal issues.
Here is a brief summary of what staff members CAN and CANNOT do:
Make referrals to proper agencies |
Give legal advice |
Direct public to sources of law and forms |
Interpret statutes, cases, or regulations |
Instruct in usage of legal materials |
Answer telephone inquiries |
Explain format requirements for pleadings |
State opinions on legal issues |
Locate informative reading materials |
Select specific forms and/or choose the language for forms |
Holiday Schedule
The Clark County Law Library is open to the public Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The library is closed on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
The Clark County Law Library observes all State and County holidays.
Patron Code of Conduct
The Law Library is intended for use by persons engaged in law-related research or procedures. The Patron Code of Conduct ensures the preservation of an environment conducive to legal study.
Additional Information
Below you will find links to other pages that have more information about the Law Library. To go to that new page, click the blue hyperlink.
The Board and Staff - This page has the members of the Law Library Board of Trustees as well as the names of the staff of the library.
A Floor Map of the Library - This page will show the layout of the materials here in the library. If you have a question about where something is located this map will answer it!