
Adopt a Foster Child

Fostering a child is a very special commitment and often a unique bond forms between the foster family and the child resulting in foster families hoping to give the child a forever home.  With the main focus of our foster care service being reunification with the biological family, please keep in mind that not all foster children will become open for adoption. The main goal is that the parent will complete the court-ordered reunification plan, and that children will return home once it is safe for them to do so. Please read the Pathway to Protecting Children to understand the steps taken throughout the child's care in Family Services. 

However, fostering a child may lead to providing a permanent home through adoption. Adoption is a procedure by which people legally assume the role of parents for a child who is not their biological child.  Adopted children become full members of the adoptive household, commonly referred to as Forever Families. All potential adoptive resource parents must meet the same licensing requirements that are set by the State of Nevada for foster parents. There are some additional requirements for an adoption to finalize. Being an adoptive parent means making a lifetime commitment to a child, while providing a positive resolution to a challenging situation. 

If you are interested in adopting, please learn more by exploring our Find My Forever program which is designed to aid with permanently housing foster children in loving and encouraging homes. Additionally, for more information on Clark County adoptions, click here.

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