
Child Protection

Child Protection

HOTLINE PHONE NUMBER (702) 399-0081 or submit a report onlineOnline reporting is for mandated reporters only

Child Protective Services
Child Protective Services (CPS) investigates reports of child abuse and neglect in your community. In Clark County, CPS is part of the Clark County Department of Family Services (DFS). In Nevada, abuse or neglect of a child means physical and mental non-accidental injury; sexual abuse or sexual exploitation; or negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child under age of 18 caused or allowed by a person responsible for his welfare.

Laws Related to Child Abuse
There are federal requirements for each state to have laws about reporting and investigating child abuse and neglect, as mandated by the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). The laws in Nevada that protect children and incorporate the federal mandates can be found under Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 432B. These laws or statutes define child abuse and neglect and authorize child protection and law enforcement agencies to investigate reports of alleged child abuse and neglect.

NV Courts Family Guide - A Parent Guide and Road Map
A Handbook Guide for Families which provides parents, relatives and caregivers with information about what to expect when a child welfare agency becomes involved with your family. Additionally, a road map which outlines the child welfare court process is available.

Child Welfare Court Process Guide for Families | English | Spanish 
Child Welfare Court Process (Quick Guide for Families) | English | Spanish

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