2025/2026 OAG Opportunity
Clark County Social Service is pleased to announce that the Fiscal Year 2025/2026 Outside Agency Grant (OAG) county general funds will soon be available through a grant application process. There are two application tracks: Department Initiative and Community Initiative. Please note that there are separate applications in ZoomGrants for each track. Make sure to read the application instructions for each track to determine which one is the best fit for your agency. The application for OAG funds will be available starting Monday, January 13th, 2025.
Please note: Once an application is submitted it will be scored as is, which is why it is important to use the resources available above to make sure the application submitted is the best reflection of your agency’s request.If you need more information, feel free to contact OAG Staff at CRMInfo@ClarkCountyNV.gov. Please include “OAG Application” in the subject line of your email.
Links for OAG 2024-2025 Subrecipients (current grant year):
*Please note that the training presentation was held for a previous grant year. While most of the information remains the same, current Subrecipients must still review the updated and current Guidelines (both the PDF and PowerPoint versions) to ensure that you account for any updated information. The most current information was also sent to all current Subrecipients via email. Contact your assigned Grants Coordinator if you have any additional questions.