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Youth Arts Education Temporary Public Art Projects
Now Showing

Eight artists are chosen to collaborate with two Parks and Recreation facilities in Clark County. They conduct workshops for youth at the facilities, incorporating the art created during the Youth workshops into a temporary installation on-site.  This initiative serves as a scholarship program, providing training for artists in workshop leadership, public art proposal creation, and art installation building.

Neon Duho 1 by Brent Holmes and Youth from Whitney Recreation Center

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Artist Brent Holmes led a workshop teaching about the traditions and mask making of the peoples in Burkina Faso. This work is a facsimile of a traditional Duho (Hawk) mask made by the Bwa people of Burkina Faso. Youth at Whitney collaborated with the artist to create a community mask contemporary take on age-old cultural practices.

On display at Whitney Recreation Center
5712 E. Missouri Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89122
E. Tropicana and Boulder Hwy.


Fluttering Emergence from Collective Branches by Ross Takahashi and Youth from Pearson and Spirit Mountain Community Centers

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Drawing inspiration from the artist’s time as an art educator, Fluttering Emergence from Collective Branches showcases a narrative of youthful emergence, growth, and development, as well as the supportive role played by communities. The artwork consists of origami cicadas and butterflies created by children and teenagers in afterschool programs. The repetitive practice involved in creating these origami pieces mirrors our own growth process as we strive to better ourselves and navigate the journey toward adulthood.

On display at Pearson Community Center
Dr. William U. Pearson Community Center
1625 West Carey, Las Vegas, NV 89106

Community Empowerment Quilt by Shereen Sun and Youth from Hollywood Recreation Center

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Throughout history, quiltmakers have utilized quilts to pass stories and messages. In this community quilt making project, participants were encouraged to write messages on squares of the quilt to share encouraging and empowering messages to their peers who would see it in this communal space.

On display at Hollywood Recreation Center
1650 S. Hollywood, Las Vegas, NV 89142

Community Empowerment Quilt by Shereen Sun and Youth from Walnut Recreation Center

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Throughout history, quiltmakers have utilized quilts to pass stories and messages. In this community quilt making project, participants were encouraged to write messages on squares of the quilt to share encouraging and empowering messages to their peers who would see it in this communal space.

On display at Walnut Recreation Center
3075 North Walnut Road, Las Vegas, NV 89115

Field of Dreams by Karen Castaneda and Youth from Parkdale Recreation Center

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Field of Dreams is a jumbo-sized sculpture of a dandelion field, each seed holding the several dreams, desires and wishes of the children in our community. Parkdale students were encouraged to dream big! and then illustrate their desires on paper using markers and crayons. The sculpture serves as a home for our biggest wildest dreams. At first keeping them safe and sacred while still in their growth stage - but once they're ready, we blow out the seeds and watch them spread in the wind.

Currently on display at Parkdale Recreation Center
3200 Ferndale St., Las Vegas, NV 89121

The Rainbow Connection by Joan Paye and Youth from Bob Price Community Center

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The Rainbow Connection, mixed media collage paper hearts created with youth by Joan Paye, invited participants to examine how we youth see the world. Inspired by the rare occasion of rainbow sighting, this workshop explores how rainbows allow us to see the colors of sunlight that are always here, we just don't see them until the perfect conditions of nature allow us that vision. In the making of this Rainbow Connection, we simply set the stage for each maker to jump into a unique color of the rainbow and fill their heart with the things that make their hearts happy.

Currently on display at Robert “Bob” Price Recreation Center
Robert E. "Bob" Price Recreation Center
2050 Bonnie Lane Las Vegas, NV 89156

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