
For Interested Artists

For Interested Artists




Fall Applications Due: Monday, August 19, 2024, by 11:59 PM PST.
Spring Program deadline announced in November.


Clark County Parks and Recreation Department’s Public Arts Office is seeking five (5) artists who are interested in public art, but have never worked in the field before, to participate in a professional development and mentorship program. This project is open only to artists over the age of 18, who are not part-time or full-time Clark County employees or currently under contract for any Clark County Public Arts project larger than $50,000. Any artist that has participated in this program the previous 3 years is not eligible.

Artists will be selected through a competitive process and will participate in training with the guidance of public art staff.  In the training, the artists will learn how to create a lesson plan, lead workshops for children, develop three-dimensional sculptural installations, and collaborate on designs that fulfill the needs of the program.  After the training, each artist will be tasked with administering their developed project through leading workshops to youth at two (2) Clark County locations and create a temporary 3-dimensional public art project that will travel to these two (2) sites assigned to the artist.

After showcasing their work at their designated locations, all artists will be required to exhibit their artwork in a gallery setting and must attend the reception at the Whitney Recreation Center.  The artists will be displaying their artwork at their assigned locations, including Whitney Recreation Center, for 4-6 weeks each.  Artists will be required to transport, install, and deinstall artwork.

Selected artists will create a concept and proposal for the project, lesson plan, and will meet with County staff to discuss classroom and installation logistics. The goal is to create a professional and thoughtful traveling temporary public art installation with elements created by the children enrolled in the program. In return, the artist develops skills in workshop facilitation, community engagement, public art creation, collaboration, project management, and learns how to maintain artistic creativity and vision while attending to the demands of the public process.

The artist can gather inspiration from the history and/or environment of the site, the community, or solution from a social problem within the youth such as bullying, low self-esteem, and loneliness.

Since 2018, the Youth Arts Education: Temporary Public Art Program has been actively organizing artist involvement. The program's dual purpose lies in educating both artists and youth about public art, while concurrently enriching the skill sets of the participating artists.

The Youth Arts Education & Temporary Public Art project will run from September 2024 to April 2025.

September Training Workshop (ONLINE), Lesson Plan & Design Proposals sent
September - October Proposals approved; Workshops Completed
October to November Construction of Project
December – Mid January Artwork Installation 1
Mid-January-February Artwork Installation 2
February- March Exhibition with Reception at Whitney Recreation Center
April Deinstallation of exhibitions and installations.


Clark County Parks and Recreation provides Southern Nevada with recreation and community centers, with a variety of amenities to provide recreational experiences for visitors and residents alike. Each recreation and community center has its own unique space and community. Our recreation and community center locations also extend to rural communities in Unincorporated Clark County.

This Fall, there will be eleven (11) Clark County facilities participating in this program. Each facility will each have one artist facilitate a workshop with youth participation that includes their contribution to the temporary public art sculpture or installation.



The Public Arts Office is tasked with creating permanent public art. All programs are offered to help local artists achieve creating public art.

  1. To be the leading resource for positive recreation and leisure choices in Southern Nevada.
    Create a professional and thoughtful traveling temporary public art installation with elements created by the children enrolled in the program.
  1. To give artists who need experience to create 3-Dimensional public art and facilitate a workshop that includes community engagement. Develop artist’s skills for engaging in public art and teaching.
  2. Produce and promote work by Clark County artists, develop skills for teaching, engaging community, and producing public art.
  3. Creating fulfilling opportunities for the community through diverse experiences. Work that is responsive and sensitive to the community it is located in.



  • Required Application Workshop: Monday August 5, 2024, 4:00 PM PST on WebEx
    • If the artist misses the workshop, a recording of the workshop will be available on the on the Clark County Public Art website in the Youth Public Art Project Call
  • Registration:
  • Applications will be submitted and evaluated for preliminary Jury review.
  • Works are reviewed anonymously with artist’s name and identifying information removed.
  • Semi-finalists will be identified and interviewed. During the interview, artists will share information on previous art experience. The questions will be about project feasibility, interest in the project, experience, and the artist’s goals. This interview will help us gauge professionalism and facilitation skills.
  • Artists will be notified once all selections have been completed.



Artists are required to:

  1. Attend virtual training workshop with County staff. Monday August 5, 2024, 4:00 PM PST
  2. Develop design and lesson plan for workshops and have these plans approved by County.
  3. Implement and facilitate public art workshops with youth at assigned County facilities.
  4. Create a unique, quality three-dimensional public art installation at the assigned County facilities. The height of the installation and/or sculpture must be under six (feet) in height. Each facility will have their own limitations of where the artwork will and can be placed.
  5. Ensure the installation is safe and remains intact throughout the duration of the exhibit.
  6. De-install work and return space as before.


The commission shall not exceed $3,000 per artist. The budget will cover all costs of the project to include but not be limited to artist’s fees, design, meetings with staff, workshop instruction, install, de-install, storage, travel, and all necessary materials/supplies for the project. Artist will invoice the County for the specified amount for each completed milestone.

    • MILESTONE 1: Training Workshop, Approved Design Proposal, and Lesson Plan - $500
      • The artist attended the training workshop with County staff.
      • The artist developed a lesson plan for the workshops, and design proposal for the sites.
      • This payment can cover expertise, labor, and materials for the workshop.
      • The artist developed and had a County approved design and lesson plan for the workshops. This payment can cover expertise, labor, and materials for the workshop. 
    • MILESTONE 2: Workshop 1 & 2 - $600
      • Completion of youth art workshop at site 1. This payment can be used to purchase additional materials to complete the final fabrication of artwork.
      • Completion of youth art workshop at site 2. This payment can be used to purchase additional materials to complete the final fabrication of artwork.
    • MILESTONE 3: Artwork Installation 1 - $450
      • Completion of Installation at Site 1. The art installation will be displayed in an assigned County facility, and all proper paperwork and inspections have been reviewed and resolved. 
    • MILESTONE 4: Artwork Installation 2 - $450
      • Completion of Installation at Site 2. The art installation will be displayed in an assigned County facility, and all proper paperwork and inspections have been reviewed and resolved. 
    • MILESTONE 5: Artwork Installation 3 + Reception at Whitney - $600
      • Completion of Installation of work at a group exhibition at Whitney Recreation Center.
      • Attends reception at Whitney.
    • MILESTONE 6: De-install of all exhibits - $400
      • Completion of deinstallation (of all installs at all sites, if necessary). The artist will de-install the work from the assigned location, and ensure the space is cleaned and returned to normal.
      • Only one artist assigned to a facility that is in Overton, Nevada will receive payment for travel after completion of MILESTONE 3.


Track A: Traveling Installation

  • One installation that travels from one site to another. Then arrives at Whitney Recreation Center as its last destination.
  • This installation can be completed or changed at each site.
  • Pros: only one project to focus on, can complete both workshops in advance of construction of art
  • Cons: Lengthened time between workshops and installations, depending on schedules and requests of sites there may be insufficient time to complete the work

Track B: Two Individual Installations

  • Two separate installations at two different sites. One or both arrives at Whitney Recreation Center as its last destination.
  • Pros: shortened time between checks, can have both projects and workshops going at the same time and complete work for both sites and installs.
  • Cons: Two separate installations mean double the time for creation.

The evaluation will be scored by the stakeholders assigned to this project.

Read all Call information & submit documents in the following order preferably in one PDF file:

  1. Attend/Watch Application Workshop
  1. Cover Sheet
    • Completed Cover Sheet formatted as one PDF File. Please attend/watch the Application Workshop to receive the keyword requested in the Cover Sheet.
  2. Letter of Intent
    • Provide a Letter of Intent describing why you would like to take part in the Youth Public Art Project, what your connection is to the area, and if you are to be selected what your proposed project might be. Limit to one (1) page. Format as a PDF File.
  3. Experience and Qualifications
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume, up to two (2) pages. List any information relevant to the call including any exhibitions, teaching, or other experience. Formatted as one PDF File.
  4. Previous Works
    • Artist must submit five (5) examples of previous relevant artworks. Artwork that contains offensive language, overtly political, religious and/or sexual content of imagery, including nudity, and copyright infringement shall not be considered. Each page must have numbers that correspond with the annotated image list and feature a single work. Multiple vantage points of sculptural work are considered one work and can be put on one page. Composites of various artworks in a single page will not be considered. Only include images that are relevant to this project.
    • Include an Annotated Image List. Each example listed shall include a thumbnail of the corresponding image:
      • Title of Artwork
      • Artist Names (if collaboration or different lead name)
      • Year of Completion
      • Dimensions
      • Medium / Materials
      • Brief Description
    • Format all pages as one (1) PDF File. Total of six (6) pages.


Only applications that have met all requirements will be accepted.
Reach out to staff before the deadline for help if you are having problems sending email.

Deadline: Application must be completed and submitted by Monday, August 19, 2024, by 11:59 PM PST
Application Form:

Required Application Workshop: Monday August 5, 2024, 4:00 PM PST on WebEx

Only applications that have all requirements and have been submitted in one email with all attachments in the format of PDF will be evaluated. If you have additional application questions, please contact:

Download the full call here.



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