Spring Mountain Youth Camp. SMYC is a juvenile facility, which houses male youth between the ages of 12 and 18 who have been adjudicated for delinquent
acts by the Juvenile Court Judge. This division provides for the therapeutic, educational, social, medical and recreational needs of approximately 240 young men each year. SMYC is located at Angels Peak in the Mt. Charleston Recreational/Toiyabe National Forest Area. It sits at an elevation of 8,470 feet and has a capacity of 100 youth. The average length of stay is approximately six months and the average age is 15 1/2 years.
Spring Mountain School is operated by the Clark County School District. All youth are required to attend structured educational programming while at SMYC. Spring Mountain athletic teams compete against other schools of similar size. The "Spring Mountain Golden Eagles" participate in baseball, football, wrestling, track & field and basketball.
Youth placed at SMYC participate in a variety of programs, such as substance abuse, parenting and social skill development. The DJJS Mental Health Treatment Team provides group, individual and specialized counseling sessions.
The Mental Health Treatment Team offers educational classes in substance abuse through the Images in Truth project. Some of these young men have also had the opportunity to receive instruction in creative movement and learn various circus acts through a partnership with Cirque de Monde, which is an offshoot of Cirque de Soleil.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). Spring Mountain Youth Camp has a Zero Tolerance Policy against all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. The protection of the facility's youth against all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment is important. All employees, staff, residents, contract employees, contract services personnel, volunteers and visitors are subject to the Zero Tolerance Policy.
How do I report sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment?
Residents of the facility have the right to report sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment free of retaliation and consequence. Reports can be filed in the following ways:
- Tell a trusted staff member, request a supervisor, or request to speak to a member of Administration. Administration accepts phone calls 24 hours a day.
- Complete a Grievance form and place in the secured box.
- Ask staff to make a private phone call and contact one of the listed outside agencies provided during intake.
- Residents may also request a private phone call to their parents, JPO, attorney, or other guardian.
- Parents or other third parties may report on behalf of a resident using any of the contact numbers provided, including LVMPD at 702-828-3111 or the Department of Family Services Hotline at 702-399-0081.
Additionally, residents of Spring Mountain Youth Camp will receive ongoing PREA Education about their protection of sexual abuse and sexual harassment from the PREA Compliance Manager or designee. The curriculum will be designed to be age appropriate and take into consideration any limitations the resident may have.
When a complaint rises to the level of an internal investigation it will be assigned to a designated individual. All criminal investigations will be referred to LVMPD. If LVMPD declines to investigate, SMYC will initiate an Administrative Investigation.
All residents have an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from all aspects of the agency's efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Spring Mountain Youth Camp will provide alternative written material, formats that accommodate the hearing and vision impaired, and delivery methods that will allow for effective understanding and communication with residents upon intake.
Forestry Program. For the past 40+ years, Spring Mountain Youth Camp (SMYC) and the United States Forest Service have been working together under a
written agreement, the longest running collaborative effort between the Forest Service and any such program in the United States.
Through the SMYC Forestry Program, youths committed to the Camp perform a variety of services for the Forest Service, such as repair and maintenance of 135+ miles of non-motorized trails in the Spring Mountain National Recreation Area, litter removal, sign construction and snow removal in the winter months. Many thousands of dollars in savings to tax payers are realized annually from the work performed by the youths involved in this program. The Forestry Program has also, in recent years, constructed and maintained new trails in the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation area.
The youths at SMYC are paid for work performed through a variety of sources, including an allowance program funded by Clark County, the Federally Funded Workforce Investment Act and from Grants. When youths owe restitution, their pay first goes to this debt.
Juvenile Justice Bill of Rights - NRS 62B.510
2400 Angel Peak Place Las Vegas NV 89124 Tel (702) 455-5555