
Justice Courts ePayments Disclaimer

Justice Courts ePayments Disclaimer

Outlying Justice Courts, Nevada   E-Payment


Online payments may be made for certain traffic and criminal violations. Some offenses may require a court appearance. Customers may pay by Internet via PayPal, which allows the use of debit cards, VISA©, MASTERCARD®, DISCOVER®, or AMERICAN EXPRESS®. A convenience fee will be added to each transaction.


Cases - Paid in Full
Paying a traffic citation(s) online for which you have not appeared in court, will result in a plea of guilty to all of the offenses on the citation(s). You also understand that you are waiving your right to a trial on these charged offenses.

You further understand that, when processed, your payment, and plea, will close the case (pending payment) against you. Closing your case will also result in all administrative actions (forwarding points to the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)). Points are assessed after your payment is received and at the time the disposition is put on your case.


Cases - Payments
If you have a payment plan agreement with the court, payments must be submitted before midnight (Pacific Time) on the date due, to be considered as paid on time. If the payment made is less than the payment due, the full payment from the agreement must be made by the due date. Failure to abide by your payment plan agreement may result in a warrant for arrest being issued for failure to comply.

You will be notified by E-mail when your request is successfully processed, or that your request cannot be processed and the reason(s) why. Requests usually take from 24 - 72 hours to process.

This form uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to reduce the possibility of unauthorized access to your private information while it is transferred across the Internet. However, by submitting this form electronically you are acknowledging that neither the Justice Court, the Administrator of the Court nor the County can assume any liability for data submitted via this form.

Community Service
If you are indigent and unable to pay the amount due, you may request community service in lieu of payment; however, you must appear in person to make this request.


Statement of Privacy

This information will be transmitted to PayPal to process transactions and obtain verification. It may also be used to facilitate fraud prevention and detection or to obtain a fraud score on the customer's transaction

This site uses reCAPTCHA provided by Google which may capture statistical information related to your use of the site, and therefore is subject to Google’s privacy policy and terms of use. For more information click here.

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