
MSHCP Amendment DRAFT Chapters and Meeting Presentations/Documents/Recordings

MSHCP Amendment DRAFT Chapters and Meeting Presentations/Documents/Recordings

MSHCP Amendment DRAFT Chapters

Ch. 1 Introduction and Background (DRAFT 1, 10/28/2021)

Ch. 2 Covered Activities (DRAFT 3, 05/24/2024)

Ch. 6 Conservation Strategy, section 6.1, Biological Goals and Objectives (DRAFT 3, 03/28/2023)

Ch. 6 Conservation Strategy, section 6.2, Avoidance & Minimization (DRAFT 3, 03/28/2023)

Ch. 6 Conservation Strategy, section 6.3, Measures to Mitigate Unavoidable Take (DRAFT 2, 08/23/2023)

Ch. 6 Conservation Strategy, section 6.4, Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan (DRAFT 3, 05/10/2024)

Ch. 6 Conservation Strategy, section 6.5, Reporting (DRAFT 1, 02/04/2021)

Ch. 7 Regulatory Assurances and Changed and Unforeseen Circumstances, (DRAFT 3, 12/31/2024)

Ch. 9 Implementation and Administration (DRAFT 2, 09/28/2024)

Covered Species Analysis Report (DRAFT, June 2018)

Appendix A Covered Species Accounts (DRAFT, April 2020)

Appendix A Covered Species Accounts-Mojave Poppy Bee (DRAFT, May 2020)

Appendix B Seed Collection Protocol for Covered Plant Species (DRAFT, February 2024)

Appendix C Desert Tortoise Clearance Survey Protocol (DRAFT, March 2022)

Appendix X Burrowing Owl Clearance Survey Protocol (DRAFT, May 2022)

Focus Group Information Sheets and Presentations

Timeline Presentation-Process & Timeline

Agencies Meeting Overview and Materials

Agencies Presentation-MSHCP and Amendment Overview 

Agencies Presentation-Adaptive Management

Agencies Presentation-Agreements and Coordination

Agencies Presentation-Avoidance and Minimization Measures

Agencies Presentation-Biological Goals and Objectives

Agencies Presentation-Covered Species

Agencies Presentation-Funding

Agencies Presentation-Implementation and Cost Reduction Measures

Agencies Presentation-Monitoring

Agencies Presentation-Reserve System

Conservation Focus Group Info Sheet

Conservation Presentation-Adaptive Management

Conservation Presentation-Avoidance and Minimization Measures

Conservation Presentation-Biological Goals and Objectives

Conservation Presentation-Covered Species

Conservation Presentation-Monitoring

Conservation Presentation-Reserve System

Development Focus Group Info Sheet

Development Presentation-MSHCP and Amendment Overview

Development Presentation-Avoidance and Minimization Measures

Development Presentation-Funding

Development Presentation-Funding Comparative Review

Development Presentation-Implementation and Cost Reduction Measures

Development Presentation-Monitoring and Adaptive Management.

Development Presentation-Reserve System

Recreation Presentation-MSHCP and Amendment Overview

Recreation Presentation-Development and Conservation

VIDEOS of MSHCP Amendment Information Sessions

MSHCP Amendment Information Session January 2025

MSHCP Funding Information

Funding Analysis of the Clark County Desert Conservation Program MSHCP Amendment

Clark County Desert Conservation Program HCP Funding Strategies Review
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