If you are currently receiving cash assistance for a child, the money collected for that child goes to repay the government for the aid provided. When you are off cash assistance, support payment received will be sent to you.
If a family is not currently receiving cash assistance, payments collected are paid to the family before the government. Federal law includes one exception. If we intercept a tax refund for past-due support, the tax refund must be used to pay off arrears owed to the government before arrears owed to the custodial parent.
The custodial parent might not receive the full amount of a child support payment if the non-custodial parent has more than one support case. In most situations, the law requires that payments received be split between the cases.
Nevada will charge the annual service fee of $35 in each case where an individual has never received cash assistance and for whom the State has collected at least $550 of child support.
When the Family Support Division serves the employer with an Income Withholding Order, the employer must withhold the amount stated in the notice from the employee’s paycheck. However, if the amount is more than 50% of the employee’s net disposable earnings, the employer should only withhold 50% of the employee’s earnings.