Book Appointments
For basic planner questions, please contact 702-455-4314 option 2 option 1.
- Administrative Design reviews for the following:
- Revised plans meeting the criteria for ADR in Section 30.06.05A
- Digital conversions of billboards
- Installation of EV chargers after development plans have been approved
- Minor amendments to a planned unit development meeting the criteria in Section 30.06.05C (PUDD)
- Temporary Uses and temporary signs
- Extensions of Time
- Minor Deviations
- Waivers of Conditions
- Administrative Sign Design Review
- Administrative Street Naming
- Zoning Compliance
- Vacation and Abandonment with no companion application
- Waivers of Department Standards for Public Works with no companion application
Step 1: Set up an Accela Citizen Access (ACA) account through the online ACA portal.
Step 2: Create an Application Pre-review through the Citizen Access Portal. Click here for more information.
Step 3: Determine the appointment level needed.
All appointments are in person unless otherwise confirmed by staff. To request a virtual appointment, after booking the appointment slot, please call 702-455-4314 and press Option 2, then Option 2 again.
See Level 3 for those projects requiring a Pre-Submittal Conference
LEVEL 1 APPLICATIONS (1.5-hour appointment duration)
The following, unless in conjunction with a Level 2 or Level 3 application
- Street Name or Numbering System Change
- Agricultural/Livestock
- Vacation and Abandonment
- Non-residential - new uses and façade changes only with no other site modifications e.g. Live entertainment within an existing shopping center, Recreational, Entertainment facility or retail uses within an existing industrial complex.
- Single-family residential
- Subdivision up to 4 lots
- New residence/addition/accessory structure e.g. Custom home
- Garage/workshop
- Accessory living quarters
- Fences/walls
- CCPRO violation
- Tentative Map – commercial or industrial only
- Signs (except resort hotels)
LEVEL 2 APPLICATIONS (1.5-hour appointment duration)
Level 1 applications and the following, unless in conjunction with a Level 3 application
- Rezone (zone change) with an accompanying project (e.g. design review, use permit, etc.)
- Non-residential development or use with new construction or site modifications
- Single-family residential development with more than 4 lots
- Multi-family residential development
- Tentative Map – residential
LEVEL 3 APPLICATIONS (2-hour appointment duration)
Level 1 or 2 applications and the following
- Certified affordable housing project
- Mixed-use development
- Resort hotel
- Projects requiring a pre-submittal conference per Title 30 Section 30.06.03B.2.
- Signs (resort hotels)
LEVEL 4 ADVANCED PLANNING APPLICATIONS (1.5-hour appointment duration)
The following
- Master Plan Amendment (land use designations, transportation, or trails)
- Rezone (zone change) with no plans Rezones which have an accompanying project (e.g., design review, waiver of development standards, use permit) shall be reviewed in a Level 3 appointment.
- All Clark County park projects
Step 4: Schedule Planner Appointment
Step 5: Go to Forms page for submittal requirements, application forms, checklists, and sample site plans. Please have 1 set of all required materials at your appointment. If you have submittal questions, please call 702-455-4314 option 2, option 1.
Comprehensive Planning submittals for a Tentative Map (TM) and/or Vacation and Abandonment (VS) will require an Application Pre-Review (APR) submittal. These submittals will require an approval from the Map Team before final acceptance by Comprehensive Planning can occur. Map Team will respond with either comments/corrections to submittal documents or an approval for the APR to proceed with Comprehensive Planning. APR e-mails are processed in the order they are received.
Send email to to request a response for an APR. The following information is required in the email:
- Subject line: APR Number - TM, VS, or TM & VS (Example: APR-XX-10XXXX - TM; APR-XX-10XXXX - VS; APR-XX-10XXXX - TM & VS)
- Complete Comprehensive Planning TM and/or VS Application
- TM Plan and/or VS site plan
- Justification Letter (if required with application)
- Vacation Legal Description (if submitting a VS Application)
- Documentation of how the easement(s) or right(s)-of-way being vacated were created (if submitting a VS Application
Step 6: Meet with planner to have your documents reviewed. The planner will let you know the next step based on your readiness to submit.
Step 7A: If corrections are requested, correct the necessary documents then repeat steps 3–6 until the package is ready to submit.
Step 7B: If no corrections are needed you will be given authorization to submit your documents online via the Citizen Access Portal.
Step 8: Upload documents via Citizen Access Portal.
Step 9: Planner will review uploaded documents and inform the customer to bring in the hard copies.
Step 10: After the hard copies are received, the planner will create the application, and apply fees. The application is considered officially submitted once the fees are paid. Planner will provide the meeting dates and location.