
Proposed Amendments to Clark County Code

Proposed Amendments to Clark County Code

Proposed Amendments to Clark County Code Related to Business Licensing
All interested parties are invited to provide feedback and comments to the Department about the proposed amendments listed below. Comments should be directed as instructed in the applicable public notification letters (included below) or to the following email address:

Each of these proposed amendments have been, or will soon be, formally introduced before the Board of County Commissioners or the Liquor & Gaming Licensing Board, as applicable. Upon introduction, the Board will schedule the date and time for a public hearing. All written comments received by the Department will be provided to the Board for consideration at the public hearing. In addition, anyone wishing to speak at the public hearing may do so by filling out a comment card the day of the hearing. Following the public hearing, the Board will formally consider the adoption of the proposed amendment. Adopted ordinances related to Business Licensing are available here.

For additional information about upcoming meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and the Liquor & Gaming Licensing Board, please see County Meeting Agendas.

Proposed Amendments Seeking Public Comment
Proposed Amendment Summary Title and Chapter of Code Notification Letter Business Impact Statement

Personal Delivery Device Operators

Title 7, Chapter 7.115

Notification Letter
Dated July 15, 2024

Public comment closes on August 6, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

A proposed amendment to Title 7 will revise sections of Title 7, by adding a new Chapter 7.15 regarding the licensing of personal delivery device operators.

Liquor License Regulations and

Work Identification Cards

Title 8, Chapter 8.20

Title 8, Chapter 8.24

Notification Letter

Dated May 23, 2024


N/A (Will be posted after June 17, 2024)

A proposed amendment to Title 8 of the Clark County Code by adding “liquor delivery support service” and allowing delivery of alcohol by a licensed grocery store, a licensed liquor store or a liquor delivery support service. This proposed amendment will also require anyone to be employed by a liquor support service to have a valid work identification card.

The Clark County Department of Business License makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. However, no warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use, or its interpretation. Issuance of a business license is not an endorsement of the business practices of the licensee.

Ordenanza adoptada para añadir un nuevo capítulo 7.200- VENTA/COMERCIO AMBULANTE

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